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Differences in External and Internal Load in Elite Youth Soccer Players within Different Match Timing Zones

Publication at Faculty of Physical Education and Sport |


The aim of this study was to determine and analyze the differences between the players' internal (IL) and external load (EL) in different time zones (T1: 0-45 min, T2: 45-70 min, T3: 0-70 min, T4: 70-90 min, T5: 45-90 min, and T6: 0-90 min) in elite youth soccer matches (U17-19 age category). The monitored group comprised elite youth soccer players (n = 66; age = 17.5 +/- 1.2 years; body height = 178.5 +/- 8.7 cm; body mass = 70.4 +/- 6.3 kg).

Multivariate analysis of variances was used to compare the following variables: relative total distance covered (TDCrel), distance covered in different speed zones (Z1-Z6), high-metabolic load distance (HMLD), maximum running speed (S-max), number of acceleration (ACC) and deceleration (DCC) entries in different speed zones (Z1, Z2, Z3), and maximum heart rate (HRmax). Results revealed significant differences (p < 0.05) in the first 70 min (T3) compared to the last 20 min of the match (T4) in the following: TDCrel was higher, up to 6.6% (123.09 +/- 9.48 vs. 115.03 +/- 9.42 m.min(-1)); distance in Z5 (22.4%, 6.08 +/- 1.82 vs. 4.72 +/- 1.72 m.min(-1)); Z4 (18.6%, 20.15 +/- 4.82 vs. 16.40 +/- 3.48 m.min(-1)); Z3 (10.4%, 53.06 +/- 47.52 m.min(-1)); and HMLD (16.1%, 34.86 +/- 5.67 vs. 29.26 +/- 5.11 m.min(-1)).

We also found higher running performance in the first half (T1) than in the second half (T5) in the following parameters: TDCrel, Z5, Z4, ACC(Z1), ACC(Z2), and DCCZ1. With progressive time (in T4) we found a significant decrease in physical running performance, probably due to fatigue, which can lead to potential injury or losing in a match.

The results of this study may provide helpful information in developing training strategies for coaches and in the set-up of plan for potential substitution of exhausted players mainly for the last 20 min of a match (T4). The present results are expressed as a relative value and should be compared with other study results with irregular timing zones.