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Mechanical Thrombectomy Quality Indicators Study in Czech Stroke Centers

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen, First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine in Hradec Králové |


The aim of the study was to compare results of treatment of acute ischemic stroke in Czech stroke centers performing mechanical trombec-tomy with the recommendations established by the international multi-society consensus. Aim: Mechanical thrombectomy (MT) of symptomatic occlusion of cerebral artery has become a standard treatment in acute ischemic stroke (IS) patients.

The aim of the presented study was to evaluate if centers performing en-dovascular treatment of acute ischemic stroke meet the recommendations established by the international multi-society consensus. Methods: The national prospective observa-tional multicenter study METRICS (Mechanical Thrombectomy Quality Indicators Study in Czech Stroke Centers) was conducted in Czech Republic in year 2019.

Twelve of 15 centers performing mechanical trombectomy were participating on study. All technical and clinical data were collected prospectively and achieved results were subsequently compared with the recommendations established by international multi-society consensus.

Results: In 12 centers 1178 (86%) patients (50.3% males, median of age 72 years, range 18-98 years) by MT were treated in 2019 and the collected data of these patients were analyzed. IV thrombolysis prior MT was performed in 827 (70.2%) patients and 445 (37.8%) patients were transferred secondarily for MT from primary stroke centers to dedicated comprehensive centers.

Achieved data from the study METRICS were subsequently evaluated for individual participating centers. The concor-dance of results with the recommendations of multi-society consensus was very high.

Five centers met parameters of all recommendati-ons. Remaining centers did not meet sporadic criteria only and most parameters had border-line values.

Conclusion: The results of METRICS study showed that it is possible meet the recommen-ded values of parameters stated in the international multi-society consensus even in a real world practice across the Czech Republic.