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Transport and magnetic properties of heavy-rare-earth A2Ir2O7 iridates

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


A2Ir2O7 iridates crystalize in the ordered pyrochlore structure (space group Fd-3m) throughout the A rare-earth series. A and Ir ions independently form sublattices of corner-sharing tetrahedra and are surrounded by 8- and 6- coordinate oxygen cages, respectively.

Such geometrical frustration frequently results in many complex (ground) states, e.g., spin liquid, spin ice, or fragmented states have been observed and attracted considerable attention [1,2]. Importantly, the iridium sublattice tends to order in the so-called all-in-all-out (AIAO) magnetic structure [3,4], and the related molecular field significantly influences the magnetic moments on the A sublattice.

A strong spin-orbit coupling is connected with Ir ions, possibly leading to topological phases such as Weyl semimetal or topological Mott insulator [5,6]. Concomitantly with the AIAO ordering of Ir sublattice, a metal/semimetal to insulator transition has been observed in lighter-rare-earth A2Ir2O7 iridates [7].

We present a study of electrical transport properties of heavy-rare-earth A2Ir2O7 iridates (A=Dy-Lu) synthesized employing the CsCl flux method, including so far unprepared A = Tm member. A broad anomaly in the measured data, connected with the semiconductor-insulator transition, is observed in all studied members.

Electrical resistivity increases upon cooling by up to 6 orders of magnitude comparing the room temperature and 2 K data. Electrical resistivity measured in zero and non-zero magnetic field is systematically compared, fitted with multiple models, and discussed with respect to the previous results, including our magnetization, specific heat, and μSR data.

A comprehensive picture of the transport properties of this understudied part of the rare-earth A2Ir2O7 series is drawn. [1] Y. Tokiwa et al., Nat.

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