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Chest pain

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Central Library of Charles University, Second Faculty of Medicine |


The book Chest Pain represents a comprehensive differential diagnosis of a dramatic clinical symptom-chest pain. The book mentions not only usual and common causes, but also rare and less common ones.

The book is divided into two basic parts. The general part included chapters on anatomy, physiology, propedeutics, biochemical examination and examination methods from basic to highly specialized.

The special part is a wide differential diagnosis of chest pain structured according to the nosological unit of all disciplines that may encounter chest pain. Individual chapters were prepared by top specialists (cardilologiist, angiologist, pneumologist, gastroenterologist, paeditricians, infectologist, dermatologist, mammologist, urologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, gerontologist, oncologist, surgeon, thoracic surgeon, rheumatologist, orthopaedic surgeon, rehabilitation physician)