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Demographic future of the Central Bohemian Region: A prognostic vision for the next three decades

Publication at Faculty of Science |


The main objective of this chapter is to estimate the most probable future development of the population of the Central Bohemian Region until 2050, with the use of an innovative methodological approach. The necessary forecast-oriented analyses and other forecasting activities were carried out in the second half of 2019 and were based on the official data from the Czech Statistical Office.

The bottom-up approach was applied in this study contrary to previous population forecasts dealing only with the region as a whole. All forecasting activities were performed separately for each of four typological sets of municipalities.

The final results describing the population prospects of the Central Bohemian Region as a single territorial entity were obtained through a simple summary of the results of all four population forecasts. In the initial parts of the chapter, the contextual, informational and methodological frameworks of this forecasting study are described.

A brief presentation of the analytical results divided according to the component of population change also contains the general characteristics of the initial age structures. All analytical results are presented solely according to the types of municipalities.

The central part of the chapter is devoted to the presentation and discussion of the forecasting assumptions and results, firstly according to the kinds of communities, followed by the presentation of the overall results for the region as a whole. The final part of the text consists of a brief discussion of the main findings and conclusions of the study based on the acquired results.