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Vulnerability to extreme heat: will we face a life in a hot city?

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


Climate change and especially extreme heat represent an unprecedented challenge for cities, threatening future prosperity, health and wellbeing of urban populations. Climate adaptation is therefore one of the central topics for sustainable cities and societies.

This article introduces a methodological approach for assessment of urban population vulnerability to extreme heat until the year 2050, presented on the example of the city of Brno. The assessment, based on the variety of future climate and socioeconomic scenarios and on the extent of implementation of adaptation measures, led to identification of vulnerable localities across the city.

Results suggest that global climate scenarios, extent of built up area and population density have major effects on overall vulnerability to extreme heat, although extensive implementation of adaptation measures can reduce vulnerability substantially. The introduced vulnerability assessment represents an important tool in support of urban planning, as it provides complex data on possible future developments including adequate adaptation options.