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Late Bronze Age Settlement History of Emporio on Chios Reconsidered

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This paper proposes a revision of the Late Bronze Age ceramic sequence from the eastern Aegean island of Chios. More specifically, it puts forth a new stratigraphic and typological assessment of the Late Bronze Age ceramic material from Areas D, E, and F at the settlement of Emporio.

As the 2nd millennium BC deposits originally seemed to have been of disturbed and mixed nature, the pottery from these deposits was dated by its excavator only typologically, not having been assigned to any well -defined periods. However, due to the preservation of a relatively precise documentation from the excavations it is now possible to reconstruct the original stratigraphic contexts, which, upon closer inspection, seem to be far less disturbed than expected.

As a result, three Late Bronze Age occupation periods at Emporio have been identified, corresponding roughly to the Early Mycenaean, Palatial Mycenaean, and Post -palatial Mycenaean periods on the Greek mainland, equivalent to Troy VI and VII on the Anatolian coast. This paper thus presents this new periodisation and suggests up -to -date chronological correlations for the previously identified strata.