More than fi ve thousand archaeozoological specimens from the monastery at Nitra-Zobor site (SW Slovakia) were analysed. The majority of fi nds came from the cellar and fl oors of two monk's houses from the Camaldulese Monastery of St.
Joseph (1693-1782). The material is dominated by aquatic or semi-aquatic animal taxa (97.3%) including fi sh (Esox lucius, Cyprinus carpio, Silurus glanis, Acipenser sp., Tinca tinca, Leuciscus leuciscus, Alburnus alburnus), crayfi sh (cf.
Astacus astacus), otter (Lutra lutra), beaver (Castor fi ber) and the European pond turtle (Emys orbicularis). Large-sized fi sh predominate in the assemblage pointing to the artifi cial selection and wealth of natural resources or favourable fi shponds.
The material from house 9 had an exclusively fasting character, while house 3 yielded bones of domestic animals such as caprines, cattle, chicken, goose and turkey. This meat was probably consumed by service staff and/or secular persons visiting and using public services of the monastery