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Columbus' Conqust of the Czech Stage

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The study discusses various dramatic as well as stage adptations of the topic related to Christopher Columbus. The analytical overview covers plays and productions such as: Škroup-Hickel's opera Columbus, Stroupežnický's Christophoro Colombo, Hilbert's Kolumbus, Poptatoe or the Conquest of America by Children Studio of the Goose on the String Theatre, stage adaptation of de Ghelderode's Christopher Columbus prepered by students of Janaček Academy of PerfominfgArts, and various productions inspired by or based on Paul Claudel's Diary of Christopher Columbus (J.

A. Pitínský's Tutugury at the HaDivadlo, Pilsen and Opava productions of the play and, at the end, the production Diaries of Christopher Columbus by Minicipal Theatre Zlín).