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Effect of prophylactic vaccination against HPV infection on the incidence of cervical precancers and cancers

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Human papillomavirus (HPV) infection causes about 5% of all human cancers. Three prophylactic vaccines against HPV infection are currently available: the bivalent Cervarix, the quadrivalent Gardasil (formerly Silgard) and the nonavalent Gardasil 9.

Extensive scientific data demonstrate their significant efficacy in preventing the development of persistent HPV infection and cervical precancers. In addition, early data also demonstrate a direct impact on reducing the incidence of invasive cervical cancer in vaccinated individuals.

Furthermore, quadrivalent and nonavalent vaccines are highly effective in preventing condylomata. Efficacy is highest against lesions that are caused by vaccine genotypes, and the highest efficacy is achieved in the HPV naive population.

The Czech Republic is among the countries with a national vaccination programme where HPV vaccination is covered by health insurance for girls and boys aged 13-14 years. Despite this, the declining trend in vaccination coverage of the target population is a persistent problem.