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Mapping the Scenes: Digital Humanities in Cultural Studies in Central and Central Eastern Europe



The project addresses several of these issues and provides a possibility to follow on a fruitful dia-logue between AHSS and STEM disciplines with its aim to map the effective use of computational methods in collection, storage, structure, transcription and analysis of research data from cultural studies-related research and teaching practice. Issues, such as digital collections, archiving and text encoding, reading and analysing electronic texts, geospatial and critical discursive mapping technologies, 'Big Data,' social computing, crowdsourcing, and network and image analysis as well as 3D immersive visualisation environments, will be addressed in relation to cultural history, per-formance and media studies, history of art as well as literary science. Our aim is here a synthesis between quantitative and qualitative (discursive) research.

Through collaboration with experienced trainers, the project will enable students and doctoral candidates of the partner universities to develop their research skills in visual analysis, network analysis and text mining. Besides, it will also increase the internationalization of their research as well as familiarizing with networking and other soft skills nurturing their employability. The pro-ject will be promoted in the departments of the CENTRAL partners identifying the right profile of BA, MA and PhD students fit of their research project and openness to participate in the work-shop. Beyond the students directly participating in the workshop, a number of BA, MA and PhD students supervised by the partners will benefit from the opportunities made available by the project more indirectly: through the implementation of new theoretical and practice-based uni-versity courses at all 3 levels.

Project multiplication will be enabled through further cooperation in view of further establishing the CENTRAL partners in the European Research Area and collaboration foreseen through the In-ternational Visegrad Fund project proposal entitled "Boosting Digital Humanities of the Visegrad region" (22120096 due 1 June 2021). This project brings CENTRAL partners together with Depart-ment of History at Slovak Academy of Sciences and Centre for the Study of Popular Culture, Pra-gue. Further multiplication element consists in the project proposal "Internationalization of doc-toral studies in history: 4EU+ perspectives" proposed within the 4EU+ University Alliance and con-centrating on the issues of theory and methodology in history.

First workshop (in Vienna) provides an introductory stage and follow-up discussion: 17 February 2022: Ice-breaking session, Pitch presentation of research projects, Roundtable discussion, Training session (MAXQDA text analysis), Q and A session, Lectures, Dinner. 18 February 2022: Training session, Q and A session, Lunch, Planning of further steps.

Second workshop (in Prague) focuses on a skill progress check: 19 May 2022: Updates on research projects - minmapping exercice, Training sessions, Consultation with trainers, Roundtable discussion, Lectures, Visit of Malach Centre for Visual History, Dinner and Networking event. 20 May 2022: Digitalisation in Museums and other Memory Institutions (panel oragnised by Centre for the Study of Popular Culture), Lunch, Drafting session ("how to start" guide), Take home messages session.