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On the issue of committing a misdemeanor of disorderly conduct in the environment of electronic and digital media

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The paper deals with the misdemeanor of disorderly conduct and the issue of its commission in the environment of electronic and digital media, which in particular include radio, television, internet media, social networks and applications of various types. According to the valid and effective legal regulation of the Criminal Code, this offense, for which the legislator (in simple terms) provides protection for calm and peaceful civil coexistence, can also be committed in electronic or digital space.

The author of this text considers the connection between the misdemeanor of disorderly conduct and the media to be problematic, as he believes that the object of the crime is not to protect the recipients of media messages (viewers, listeners and readers) from speeches that they do not perceive in real place (and often not in real time), but only indirectly through technical devices. The author therefore considers the selected aspects of this offense in relation to the media space and approaches his reasoning in terms of application practice on a selected example.