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When the "subaltern empire" speaks. On recognition, Eurasian integration, and the Russo-Georgian war

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


By combining insights from social constructivist IR theories and postcolonial theory, the article addresses the issue of Russia's appropriation of Western political vocabulary in the cases of Russia's discourse on Eurasian economic integration and humanitarianist discourse of R2P employed during and after the Russo-Georgian war in August 2008. The view that mimicry and subversion are the motives behind Russia's behavior is taken further by emphasizing the relevance of recognition for Russia's identity quest.

Thus, we argue that through plugging into the discourse of the hegemon and partially reinterpreting it, Russia attempted to demonstrate the entitlement to shape the language which would ultimately confirm its belonging to the great power club. (C) 2022 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group.