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They go together like a horse and carriage: On evaluative prosody of compound indefinite pronouns in Czech

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The paper deals with preliminary results of research of the relation between evaluativity and indefiniteness on the example of selected CIPs with various indefinite markers in Czech. Firstly, it shows the results of collocation analysis conducted on data obtained from a web-crawled corpus csTenTen v17. Using typical collocates of the researched pronouns, it will be foremost demonstrated that the CIPs tend to occur in evaluative environment. It will be also discussed, which kind of evaluativity the collocates typically express (on the scale positive to negative). Secondly, some typical patterns will be introduced, in which the CIPs occur and interact with other evaluative elements. Lastly, based on these results and typical patterns, some conclusions on the meaning and role of the CIPs in the discourse will be drawn.

The paper aims to present a possible corpus-based approach to research either evaluative prosody generally or the meaning and usage of CIPs in particular and to discuss possible obstacles of such an approach.