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Pragmatics in Czech

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The main purpose of Pragmatika v češtině is to present, from the viewpoint of Czech language, the whole variety of phenomena dealt with in linguistic pragmatics. The author has taken into account that contemporary pragmatic linguistics is, in fact, a cluster of several fields with different theoretical background - formal pragmatics,

Discourse Representation Theory, relevance theory, theory of implicatures, neo-

Gricean theory of meaning, speech act theory, conversational analysis (incl. study of im/politeness) with important contrastive orientation, (critical) discourse analysis, metapragmatics. It certainly was not possible to pursue all the mentioned topics extensively, with the same intensity of explanation but all of them have been shown. For the 3rd edition (2nd in Karolinum), additions in certain chapters were supplied; the list of references was brought up to date.