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On analysis. A study on the understanding of logic in Aristotle's First Analytics

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


tudy offers the reader an alternative reading of the basic text of traditional logic (the first chapters of Ἀναλυτικὰ πρότερα). Its aim, in addition to presenting the original analytical procedure and the idea of the demonstration, is to search in the depths of technical logical terminology (E.g. in notions of 'proof', 'premise', 'term', 'syllogism', 'perfect', 'whole', 'part', 'belong', 'affirmation', 'denial', 'analysis', 'need', 'given', 'subject', 'necessity', 'reduction', 'follow', 'come into being', 'example', 'conversion', 'figure', 'question', 'possibility') and of skilful calculus for words of plain speech and to try to answer with them the questions that accompany the study of logic: How do we approach ideas? What leads us in doing so?