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Innovations in Czech Language Teaching in the Context of Special Education

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Inclusion of pupils with special needs into the mainstream school system is one of the key developments in the Czech school system. However, the evident unpreparedness of teachers for this situation represents a fundamental threat for the realisation of this aim.

It is especially apparent in concrete subjects where no specific field support for the realisation of inclusion in ordinary school reality exists. Czech language instruction is no exception in this respect.

The paper analyses the teachers' needs in connection with teaching pupils with special educational needs, with special respect to didactic reconstruction of content. It appears that in case of traditional language teaching it is even more difficult as there is a need altering not only the way content is didactically transformed, but for the selection of content as such.

The text demonstrates that these needs cannot be saturated by educational interventions that are developed in isolation in the field of special education, but they must be developed directly in the field didactics of Czech language. This is the only way of securing expert adequateness of these interventions.