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Human line-up in criminal proceedings

Publication at Faculty of Law |


The book is devoted to the recognition of persons in criminal proceedings, which represents a complex and multidisciplinary issue that is very demanding and procedurally fragile from the point of view of proper implementation. At the same time, foreign research shows how dangerous and even fatal even partial misconduct can become for innocent persons, if they come into the crosshairs of law enforcement authorities as possible perpetrators.

The monograph strives for a comprehensive critical analysis of the reconnaissance act not only from the point of view of criminological-tactical and criminal law, but also psychological-forensic. The author presents a number of topics to increase the accuracy and reliability of re-recognition procedures, while deliberately not avoiding controversial issues. For example, he pleads for the explicit anchoring of blank recognition in the criminal code, or deals in detail with the comparison of mutually contradictory foreign researches comparing simultaneous, sequential, elimination or wildcard recognition procedures, with possible consequences for our legal system. The planned re-codification of criminal procedural law or the idea of conducting re-identification procedures with the help of the latest IT technologies are also not neglected.