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Spontaneous eruption of teeth with incompletely developed roots after dentigerous cysts removal

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Aim: The aim of the presented work was to establish the success rate of spontaneous eruption of teeth (with incomplete roots development) with dentigerous (follicular) cyst into the mouth cavity after completed cystectomy. Further, the position of impacted teeth with obstacles represented by dentigerous cysts, odontoma, or supernumerary tooth. The difference in the speed of eruption of spontaneously erupted teeth and orthodontically aligned teeth was also assessed.

Material: The sample included 46 patients with 60 impacted teeth. The impaction was caused by dentigerous cyst in 6 patients (14 teeth), odontoma in 19 patients (21 teeth), and supernumerary tooth in 19 patients (23 teeth). In 2 patients it was dentigernous cyst together with odontoma (2 teeth).

Method: The success rate of spontaneous eruption of impacted teeth following removal of dentigerous cyst, odontoma or supernumerary tooth was evaluated. In OPGs or in OPGs generated from CBCT (CBCT-To-OPG) the following characteristics were compared: depth, distance of apex from its regular position, difference in angles to vertical reference line between the impacted tooth and its contralateral opposite. The speed of eruption of teeth into the mouth cavity was calculated for spontaneously erupted teeth and for actively aligned teeth.

Results: The method of impacted tooth with incompletely developed root after cystectomy was successful in all cases, i.e. the teeth spontaneously erupted into the mouth cavity. Between individual obstacles (dentigerous cyst, odontoma, supernumerary tooth) there was found no statistically significant difference in the depth and angles to vertical reference line of the affected tooth and its opposite. However, the difference in the distance of apex from its regular position was statistically significant. In case of dentigerous cysts the apex position was less affected. Teeth actively aligned erupted significantly more rapidly than teeth erupting spontaneously after the obstacle was removed.