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Didactic principles in science education: a methodological guide for teachers of biology, chemistry, physics, geography, computer science, mathematics and environmental education

Publication at Central Library of Charles University, Faculty of Education |


All teachers want to "teach right". Some less experienced teachers may be confused about what exactly that means. The more experienced ones can often capture it quite well. But for all teachers, it can sometimes be hard to remember and realize what all goes into the experience. In such a situation, didactic principles are a useful support. Didactic principles are general recommendations concerning the teaching process, including requirements for the organisation, flow and effectiveness of learning, the choice of didactic means and tools for interpreting and presenting the material to the learners. Their knowledge and respect for didactic principles are among the basic and still valid professional skills of every good teacher across all levels of the education system. Knowledge of didactic principles can be an important aid in planning, preparing, implementing and evaluating educational activities.

Science education has certain specificities that naturally translate into thinking about how to teach science topics properly, and also into thinking about didactic principles in science education.