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Different Approach for Anaerobic Threshold Approximation

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


In this paper the 2 different approach for anaerobic threshold (AnT) determination and approximation were described. Anaerobic thresholds were calculated for athletes tested on a bicycle ergometer and treadmill ergometer where the heart rate (HR) and pulmonary ventilation parameters (VE), oxygen consumption (VO2) and carbon dioxide expenditure (VCO2) were continuously measured.

The first methods for AnT calculations are based on invasive lactate (LA) measurement. For comparison, a non-invasive method based on changing the course of ventilation parameters during exercise is briefly presented.

However, the main goal of the paper was the possibility of minimizing the number of blood camplinbg for lactate measurements from which the lactate curve and anaerobic threshold can be determined. The Matlab program was used to process the calculations.