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Co-teaching and other pedagogical approaches to the prevention of burnout syndrom of beginning teachers

Publication at Faculty of Education |


Co-teaching is one of the current topics in inclusive pedagogy, a number of research studies show high effectiveness in terms of learning students with special needs. At the same time, the use of co-teaching can have a much more fundamental impact on pedagogical practice, for example in the training of future teachers or in the prevention of burnout syndrome. It is in this position of the use of co-teaching that the paper focuses on and presents co-teaching as one of the forms of prevention of burnout. Attention is also paid to other effective forms of burnout prevention that can be used in teaching practice (balint groups, colleagg sharing, qasual cases... etc.). Burnout syndrome arises not only as a result of personality dispositions and excessive expectations of the effects of practice, which we could describe as miracle enthusiasm, but very often also as a result of insufficient and inappropriate introduction to pedagogical practice during undergraduate training and at the very beginning. teaching career. In many pedagogical systems, at the beginning of a pedagogical career, the teacher encounters the mentoring of the teacher - methodology, but unfortunately on a theoretical level. Any attempts at discussion tend to be marked as a lack of professional competence and incompetence, and many beginning teachers find the reluctance of older colleagues to share experiences and discuss issues that the beginning teacher encounters (and for which the best undergraduate training may not prepare teachers).

Co-teaching and other forms of pedagogical professional development, by their nature, enable teachers to gradually gain professional confidence directly in practice.