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Development of Antimicrobial Resistance of Neisseria Gonorrhoeae in The Years 2015–2020 in Prague in the European Context

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine, Second Faculty of Medicine |


With over 86 million cases of gonorrhea are diagnosed worldwide each year. Due to increasing antimicrobial resis-tance, N. gonorrhea is becoming a risk.

The incidence of gonorrhea is increasing not only in Europe, but also in the Czech Republic, most cases are reported in men having sex with men. Antimicrobial sensitivity is tested most often from urogenital infections and is processed internationally in the Euro-GASP project.

For commonly administered azithromycin, resistance spread in Europe from 7.1% in 2015 to 13.3% in 2018; in the Czech Republic, according to data from the General Faculty Hospital (VFN) and the Bulovka University Hospital (FNB), it increased from 5.9% in 2015 to 27.3% in 2020. Resistance to ciprofloxacin is around 50% in Europe, 35-38% in the Czech Republic.

Susceptibility to tetracycline is improving in VFN and FNB from 32.2% in 2015 to 23.2% in 2020. In the Czech Republic, a single case of resistance to cefixime was discovered in 2018, none has yet been described for ceftriaxone.