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The deflexivities of the relative pronoun in spoken Spanish within the major tendencies of the evolution of the Romance relativity

Publication at Faculty of Education |


This communication proposal defines two central objectives. It proposes, first, to expose and analyze a serie of deflexivities of the paradigms of relative pronouns and adjectives in non-standard Spanish, throughout the whole Hispanophony. It then proceeds to an attempt to contextualize the innovative trends, observed and described, within the major models of the evolution of relativity from the ancient Latinity to the current Romanity.

The deflexivities occurring in different relative paradigms are triggers of bundles of morphosyntactic transformations of the morphemic chains which are linked and embedded in the sentence: the displacements of morphemic marks of the exponent allomorphies QUE, CUYO and EL QUE, Romance results of the redefinition of that of the Latin WHO(S), generate an imbalance of the system which must propose compensations and clarify, through the means of supplementary strategies, the morphological categories as well as the syntactic functions. The communication deals with all the phenomena related to this process and the analytical suppletivisms called to resystematize the relative paradigms innovated of the non-standard Spanish. It will focus in particular on what Páez Cordero (2011, 180-184), Peralta (2000: 75-93), Kany (1970: 151) designate as despronominalización and on what Herrera Santana (1990: 548-554) and Marcos Marín (1985: 71) refer to as duplicación pronominal / desdoblamiento pronominal / redundancia pronominal. This applies not only to the analytical suppletivisms of the subject allomorphs cited by Páez Cordero (2011, 186-193):

(1) Lo cuidan la abuela y el abuelo, que esos están más chochos que yo.

(2) Aquí en Mérida hay una discoteca nueva, [...] que ese es un centro de perdición.

(3) Estas son piezas de una artista muy famosa [...] que ella hace sus propios diseños.

(4) Había un muchacho, que él abría a veces en la mañana. but also to the suppletive compensations of the other exponents of the relative allomorphy (cf. Lopes Câmara, 2018; Brucart, 1999; Cortés Rodríguez, 1990; Elvira, 2007; Hernando Cuadrado, 1998; Herrera Santana, 2000):

(5) El niño que le dieron el premio.

(6) el padrino de la niña que yo lo conocí ya de grande

(7) ése es un hombre que tiene su vida organizada

(8) fue una experiencia [...] con unos amigos que fuimos con ellos,

(9) El amigo que te he hablado antes de él es éste

The non-standard language manifesting a tendency to set up a single generalized relative exponent que that combines, in order to convey morphological categories, with other endophoric morphemes, can be brought closer, by the solutions provided, to the relative paradigmatic models of the standard Romanian, Catalan, Italian and Friulian. The same homogenizing logic that presided over the constitution of the relative paradigm QUI(S) of archaic Latin can also be identified. The paper describes a deflexivity and traces the birth and generalization of a non-standard (and pan-Romance) Spanish suppletivism and contextualizes it within the major trends in the evolution of Latin and Romance relativity. The manifested evolutionary dynamics, in the diasystem of Spanish, by the non-standard variant is indicative of certain evolutionary, spontaneous and lively tendencies, which may or may not join the major diachronic tendencies which are observed, in the past and nowadays, across Romania. The present communication proposes, in this sense, a view on a deflexivity which is neither slowed down nor moderated by the prescriptions of the standards and which can serve as a laboratory where certain phenomena which have presided over the constitution of the relative paradigms both in archaic Latin and in Romance languages diachronically.