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Bile acid malabsorption in oncology patients

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Bile acid malabsorption (BAM) is caused by dysregulation of enterohepatic circulation of bile acids and their synthesis in the liver. Estimated prevalence is about 1% of adult population.

BAM has been substantially underdiagnosed. This condition can be present in one third of patients with diarrhoea-predominant irritable bowel syndrome and in 50-100% of Crohn's disease with ileitis or previously resected terminal ileum.

Up to one half of oncology patients with pelvic radiotherapy suffer from BAM. SeHCAT test (75Selenium HomoCholic Acid Taurine test) is the gold diagnostic standard and the test has just become available in the Czech Republic.

Low-fat diet is the most important dietary modification. Bile acids sequestrants (cholestyramine in the Czech Republic) are the crucial part of pharmacotherapy.