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Hradisko near Kroměříž - new perspectives

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Presentation of partial results of the project of the Regional Cooperation of Regions and Institutes of the CAS entitled "Hradisko near Kroměříž - a Bronze Age Fortress". Its main objectives are to make movable finds from the collections of the Museum in Kroměříž accessible in the form of laboratory processing and basic museum records, digitization of documentation from the collection of V.

Spurný, the compilation of overall plans, natural science analyses and absolute dating, geophysical prospection and, last but not least, the conservation and documentation of the Hradisko 3 hoard and its corresponding public presentation. The Hradisko near Kroměříž can rightly be considered one of the most important sites for the knowledge of the Bronze Age in Moravia, research on which began as early as the end of the 19th century and continues in its essence to this day.