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Antiaging Structures in the Czech Republic: Mapping the System

Publication at Faculty of Humanities, Faculty of Arts |


Ageing is humanity's most outstanding achievement: we age because we do not die prematurely. Yes, it is still not accepted as something to "look forward to". This is mainly due to low levels of health but also to the social stigma of old age and its visuality. Being old or even just "looking old" is a source of gendered disadvantages. Anti-ageing is an umbrella term for a system with many actors, goals, and levels that seek to slow, stop, reverse, or at least mask ageing.

By system thinking and Systems mapping tools, we draw attention to the social inequalities built into how and to whom anti-ageing offers its solutions and look for neurological points where (primarily female) bodies are disciplined and subordinated.

We identify key actors who are attempting to change/improve the status quo and suggest leverage points that, ideally, would lead to a state of 'equal bodies'.