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Digital Atlas of Defunct Landscapes of the Czech Republic, 2022



Atlas is on the web portal. It contains the results of the project: "The legacy of extinct landscapes: identification, reconstruction, access". There are published the outputs (map, text, graphics, audio-visual) of analyzes carried out by scientific and academic staff of the Geography Section of the Faculty of Science of the Charles University for 40 model territories. Version 2022 includes outputs for model areas Broumovsko, Hlubočepy, Horní Lužnice, Kuks, Libavá, Příměstská krajina Brna, Starý Hrozenkov, Zlatohorská vrchovina, Zlín a Želivka. And next Kutnohorsko, Kačina, Střední Povltaví, Krkonoše, Boletice, Suburban Landscape of Prague, Podbořany and Rosicko-Oslavany. And next Čáslavsko, České středohoří, Červený Hrádek, Kladensko, Jáchymovsko, Milovice, Mostecko, Novomlýnské nádrže, Nymbursko, Přeměněná městská krajina (Praha), Staré Město pod Landštejnem, Šumava. Next Český kras, Český les, Jistebnicko, Karviná-Dply, Kobylí, Liberec, Pardubicko, Trutnovsko, Vírská přehrada and Zahrádky.

Analyzes of objects for agricultural management (objects for agricultural production) were also added to the atlas in 2022, and also were added drone photos for selected model areas.