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G. W. Leibniz - S. Clarke: Correspondence

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The polemical correspondence between German poly-historian G. W.

Leibniz and English theologian, physicist and Newtonʼs pupil S. Clarke, which bursted out in 1710s, counts among the most famous and influential exchanges in the history of European thought.

The correspondence consists of five letters by Leibniz in French and five letters by Clarke in English. The central topics include the foundations of Newtonʼs ground-breaking mathematic-physical explication of reality, and its consequences in the areas of mathematics, epistemology, theology, and natural philosophy.

The influence of the standpoints of both correspondents reaches up to formulating theory of General relativity by Einstein. The present Czech edition is thus likely to provide welcome and needed resource even for those involved in theory and history of natural sciences.