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Analysis of the Civil Service Act



Analysis of the Civil Service Act (Act No. 234/2014 Coll., on State Service, as amended) focuses on the analysis of personnel processes. The area of analysis of fourteen partial personnel processes in the personnel management system in the state administration is based on the expert publications and generalized best practice and is processed on the basis of a quantitative and qualitative research carried out in the period from December 2021 to March 2022.

A quantitative survey was carried out in 29 state administration institutions (14 ministries, 15 central administrative offices), followed by a qualitative survey in 5 state administration institutions. Partial personnel processes are analysed from the point of view of legislative procedure and from the point of view of the practice of state administration institutions.

Processed as part of the project Support of professionalization and quality of civil service and state administration with registration number CZ.03.4.74/0.0/0.0/15_019/0006173.