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Tanzimat principle of electoral equality and its application in Banja Luka District (1866-1875)

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


In this paper, the author presents the results of the Tanzimat principle of electoral equality of Muslims andnon-Muslims in the District of Banja Luka and its subdistricts. By the Tanzimat regulation of electoral equality,the author refers to those parts of the 1864 Ottoman Vilayet Law and its 1867/1871 amendments thatregulate the equality of Muslims and non-Muslims in terms of electing their representatives in the localcouncils.

In that sense, this paper does not present the implementation of the entire Vilayet Law, the entireadministration and its bodies and services, but only refers to the local councils at the levels of sanjak andkaza. The paper has been written on the ground of relevant references, while the Ottoman annual reportsfor the Vilayet of Bosnia were the sources for the data regarding the councils.

A general assessment isthat the electoral equality in the said area was mostly respected, but not entirely since there were obviousdeviations from the Law.