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Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity at Schools

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The article presents the main results of the OUT research, which investigated the attitudes and experiences of LGBT+ students and topics. Research has shown that most teachers strive to support their students and develop their potential.

The topic turned out to be highly relevant, as only 5% of participating teachers reported that there were no LGBT+ students at their school. According to 80% of the participating teachers, their colleagues avoid everything related to LGBT+ topics.

The reason may also be that they perceive a lack of support from the management - up to 75% of teachers stated that the school management does not support or directly does not allow them to focus on LGBT+ topics. A strong source of teachers' doubts is the lack of confidence in why students claim to have a minority gender identity and sexual orientation.

Up to 80% of teachers believe that belonging to the LGBT+ community is popular and fashionable among students at their school. The reality of schools is that classes are very diverse and include the entire spectrum of attitudes, from LGBT+ identification through close people of such identified students to those who are not interested in the topic, or even perceive it negatively, whether for political or religious reasons.

For a school to work, it is not about giving space to one group of students, but about fostering safety and reciprocity in an internally diverse classroom and working to make differences enriching and not hurtful.