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The book Exodus in the Old English Heptateuch concerning the Translation of Female References

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


The paper follows the previous research conducted for the book Genesis of the Old English Heptateuch. The previous research focused on the referencing of the Old Testament female characters in the Latin text of Vulgate and compared them to their translational equivalents in Old English in three manuscripts London, British Library, Cotton Claudius B. iv (B), Oxford, Bodleian Library, Laud Misc. 509 (L), and Cambridge, University Library, Ii I.33 (C).

The current paper continues in the given methodology (with the exclusion of MSS C as its text only 24 chapters of the translation of Genesis), however, this time for the book of Exodus and compares the results to the findings for the book of Genesis. The main contribution of the paper is that it see whether there is the same tendency of the manuscript (B) a (L) to shift the focus from the female characters to male characters in some instances for the book Exodus as proved for some instances in the book Genesis by the aforesaid research.

It attempts to answer the question in what instances this shift occurs and what might be the motivation of the translator/the scribe for such a shift.