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Colorectal cancer screening program in the Czech Republic - 2021 quality indicators evaluation

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


Background: Compared to other European countries, the Czech Republic has long been one of the countries with high rates of incidence and mortality of colorectal cancer. The screening program was implemented in 2000 and has become an essential part of prevention policy in the Czech Republic.

Continuous monitoring of the entire screening process is necessary to ensure high quality and the resulting success of the program. The aim of the paper is to present the current results of the National Colorectal Cancer Screening Program using selected indicators in accordance with established recommendations.

Material and Methods: The analysis was performed on data on preventive colonoscopies performed in Centers for screening colonoscopy (Centers) in 2021, with selected performance indicators being evaluated (number of preventive colonoscopies, adequate bowel preparation, caecal intubation rate and adenoma detection rate). The resulting performance indicators were evaluated by the published recommendations of the Czech Gastroenterological Society to point to the results of the program as a whole, not to assess individual Centers.

Results: The majority (94.7%) of the Centers achieved the basic performance indicator (number of preventive colonoscopies). The performance indicator of adequate bowel preparation was met by 83.6% of Centers (the average proportion of colonoscopies with adequate bowel preparation in the Czech Republic is 93.8%).

The optimal proportion of caecal intubation (90.0%) was reached by 87.2% of Centers in 2021. Only 16 Centers (8.5%) did not meet the adenoma detection rate indicator, but a high variability was observed across the Centers (11.6% to 68.2%) – a similar situation was observed in evaluation by gender and indication.

A relatively low adenoma detection rate in follow-up colonoscopies after positive FOBT could be related to high and variable FOBT, which may indicate redundant colonoscopies and overburden the Centers. Conclusion: Some Centers do not reach the reference values for performance indicators according to reference values.

It is necessary to continue monitoring performance indicators at the level of individual Centers to improve the quality of the entire program.