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The dentate gyrus - anatomy, vascular supply, function and neuropathology

Publication at First Faculty of Medicine |


In short communication, we describe the anatomy of the dentate gyrus including its vascular supply. The dentate gyrus is a small gyrus of the human brain, hidden to the observer (anatomist, neurosurgeon) in the depth of the hippocampal complex.

It is ejected to the ambient cistern only by its delicate teethed part. The dentate gyrus is important due to its involvement in the Andersen circuit during the creation and consolidation of the memory track.

The anatomical dissection helps us to understand its position to the hippocampus proprius, what clarifies their functional connection (perforant path). This dissection is also important for the neurosurgeon, who performs amygdalohippocampectomy or resection of the mediotemporal glioma.

We also deal with nosologic entities united to this complex and striking anatomical area.