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Space and body from a cosmological point of view:Eugen Fink and Renaud Barbaras

Publication at Faculty of Humanities |


he article addresses the question of the relationship between the phenomenological and the cosmological perspectives on space: space is the encompassing, it gives place and is centered in and through the embodiment of those who perceive in space. Does the oriented character of space, experienced in this manner, bind or separate cosmology and phenomenology? There exists a radical break between the two approaches, which the article pursues selectively in Fink's university lectures, from early as 1945 onwards.

Barbaras, on the contrary, proceeds from phenomenology, even if he moves more and more clearly beyond the Husserlian dualist framework of the universal correlation between consciousness and the world, in order to think the world itself. The article seeks to capture the common features and to understand the differences between the two cosmological perspectives regarding the origin of space, from their shared phenomenological provenance to the philosophical inspirations that separate them.