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Simple halfspace depth

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


The halfspace depth is a prominent tool of nonparametric inference for multivariate data. We consider it in the general context of finite Borel measures µ on Rd.

The halfspace depth of a point x ELEMENT OF Rd is defined as the infimum of the µ-masses of halfspaces that contain x. We say that a measure µ has a simple (halfspace) depth if the set of all attained halfspace depth values of µ on Rd is finite.

We give a complete description of measures with simple depths by showing that the halfspace depth of µ is simple if and only if µ is atomic with finitely many atoms. This result completely resolves the halfspace depth characterization problem for the particular situation of simple halfspace depths and datasets.

We also discuss the cardinality of the set of the attained halfspace depth values.