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Key changes in WHO classification 2022 of testicular tumors

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Compared to the WHO classification of the male genital tumors in 2016, minimal changes were introduced in the current WHO 2022. Classification of germ cell tumors remains the same as in the previous edition, dividing germ cell tumors into those derived from germ cell neoplasia in situ (GCNIS) and those independent of GCNIS.

The group of GCNIS derived germ cell tumors is essentially unchanged. Most remarkable change was made to the chapter teratoma with somatic malignancy.

Primitive neuroectodermal tumor (PNET), a particular type of somatic malignancy arising in the setting of teratoma, is currently termed embryonic-type neuroectodermal tumor (ENET). Diagnostic criteria for teratoma with somatic type malignancy have been mildly modified.

Seminoma now belongs to the group of germinomas. There is one novel entity in the category of germ cell tumors independent of GCNIS, namely testicular neuroendocrine tumor, prepubertal type.

Similar to other organ systems, the term carcinoid is no longer used. Two new entities were introduced in the category of sex cord stromal tumors: myoid gonadal stromal tumor and signet ring stromal tumor.

Diagnostic criteria for malignant sex cord stromal tumors were moderately changed. Mitotic activity is now assessed according to mm2 instead of historical assessment according to the number of mitoses per high power fields.

There is a new separate chapter named Genetic tumor syndromes. Intratubular large cell hyalinizing Sertoli cell neoplasia which arises exclusively in patients with Peutz-Jeghers syndrome, now belongs here.

Large cell calcifying Sertoli cell tumor occurs as a hereditary tumor in patients with Carney complex as well as sporadically. Therefore, it is enlisted both in the chapter on sex cord tumors and as well as in genetic tumor syndromes.

Well differentiated papillary mesothelial tumor was added as a new entity to the section of testicular adnexal tumors. Sertoliform cystadenoma, a tumor previously belonging to testicular adnexal tumors, is currently recognized as a subtype of Sertoli cell tumor.