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Algebraic models of change of groups functors in (co)free rational equivariant spectra

Publication at Faculty of Mathematics and Physics |


Free and cofree equivariant spectra are important classes of equivariant spectra which represent equivariant cohomology theories on free equivariant spaces. Greenlees-Shipley [24,26] and Pol and the author [45] have given an algebraic model for rational (co)free equivariant spectra.

In this paper, we extend this framework by proving that the Quillen functors of induction-restriction-coinduction between categories of (co)free rational equivariant spectra correspond to Quillen functors between the algebraic models in the case of connected compact Lie groups. This is achieved using new abstract techniques regarding correspondences of Quillen functors along Quillen equivalences, which we expect to be of use in other applications. (C)& nbsp;2022 Elsevier B.V.

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