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Church management map



The maps are created online in the ESRI Arcgis Online interface. A basic guide to map files is at the following website:

The following set (fourteen in total) of maps can be found on this web guidebook: 1. A set of maps on the activities, characteristics and management of subjects of the Pilsen diocese a. Map of parishes and vicariates of the Pilsen diocese b. Map of church non-profit organizations according to church affiliation in the territory of the Pilsen diocese c. Map of sacred places of the Pilsen diocese, including a map of religious services (with an emphasis on their intensity, supplemented by an infographic of the temporality of religious services) d. Map of the ownership of churches and chapels (supplemented by infographics of the transfer of these objects into the hands of entities outside the Pilsen diocese - outside the bishopric and parishes, according to the type of new owner and according to the period of the transfer of the object) e. Map of active participants in religious services (parishioners) - supplemented by a map of the average contribution in the collection and infographics describing the demographic and economic characteristics of these parishioners f. Management map of selected parishes of the Pilsen diocese reflecting the financial sustainability of the parish (according to the share of income from its own main and secondary economic activities with the addition of all donations to the total costs of the given parish, expressed by a standardized indicator in the interval and supplemented by an indicator of the financial dependence of the parish as the share of the operating subsidy on the total costs (again expressed standardized in the interval).