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Comparison of the linguistic approach of the Alaskan and Altai spiritual missions in the process of educating indigenous peoples of Russia

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Comparison of the linguistic approach of the Alaskan (Kodiak) and Altai spiritual missions deserves more attention, although the highly valued grammar books created by the orthodox missionaries: "Opyt grammatiki aleutsko-lisevskogo jazyka" in 1846 and "Grammatika altajskogo jazyka" in 1869 were published in a span of more than 20 years. The article compares the linguistic approach of saint I.

Veniaminov and M. Glukharev and the authors of the Altai grammar; Altai and Aleut primers, ABC books and dictionaries; translations and literary works of first Altai and Alaskan aboriginal orthodox priests Y.

Netsvetov and M. Chevalkov.