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Non-fiction in the hands of very young and young readers

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This article discusses the emergent forms of nonfiction for children and youth, what is currently more accessible to readers than ever before, but its professional theoretical grounding in our environment is still missing. It points to the overall current transformation of the genre, which was originally aimed at experienced readers in order to educate and convey facts.

Today, this genre goes far beyond its traditional functions. Specifically, the genre: 1) blurs the line between nonfiction and other genres more than ever before; 2) has strong aesthetic aspirations; 3) actively invites further work with the information content presented.

Using examples from Čapek & Čapek (2018) by Karin Vrátná Militká & Monika Švec Sybolová), a nonfiction book relating the life and work of two Czech authors and artists, the article then points to some of the genre's visual, linguistic and literary characteristics, and also considers the place of nonfiction for children and youth in the home and school environment. Selected award-winning nonfiction titles e. g. for teachers and parents are listed.