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Horizon Europe, research and innovation programme until 2027 - what is new comparing with Horizon 2020?

Publication at Faculty of Medicine in Pilsen |


Horizon Europe is the 9th framework programme of European Union (EU) funding research and innovation with the biggest budget ever of EUR95.5 billion. The main aims of the programme are to boost competitiveness and growth of European Union, to achieve EU sustainable development and to tackle climate change.

The programme facilitates collaboration between member states and strengthens the impact of research and innovations. The structure of HEU is similar as in Horizon 2020 based on three pillars: Excellent Science, Global Challenges and European Industrial Competitiveness, and Innovative Europe.

Horizon Europe brings several novelties as missions, European partnerships, open science, and gender issues. There are five mission areas and the first one of them is Cancer Mission.

European partnership is a new form of objective-driven collaborations bringing together private and/or public partners together to address some of Europe's most important challenges through concerted research and innovation initiatives. Open science policy is mandatory and refers to the open access to publications and open science principles.

In the frame of gender equality strategy, the EU has established a well-established regulatory framework on gender equality, including binding directives, which apply widely across the labour market including the research sector.