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Bronze Age grinding stones revealed: a comprehensive study of the finds from central-western Turkey

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


Hundreds of grinding stones were found at many Bronze Age sites in western Anatolia, but so far, they have not received enough attention. These artifacts are one of the archaeological finds that bring us information about common daily activities, so they form an important part of life on the settlement.

The grinding stones found at the Bronze Age settlement of Kaymakçı, located in central-western Anatolia near lake Marmara, are introduced in this case-study. Up to now just 36 of 300 found grinding stones were studied more in detail.

Those finds were produced from multiple raw material sources, in which volcanic rocks predominated - mainly rhyolite and andesite. This study presents use-wear patterns related to various tool functions analyzed on this specific raw material. It comprises experiments with replicas, morphological and use-wear analyses based on different scales of observations (low and high magnification).