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Small angle symmetry splitting of helicene-based molecular wires on pyrolytic graphite

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Synthesis of inherently chiral materials and investigation of their self-assembly into molecular wires or 2D crystals belongs to hot topics in nanotechnology. Here we report an inherent splitting of orientational symmetry of 10-500 nm long molecular wires assembled from 3 nm chiral helicene-based macrocycles on atomically flat HOPG surface.

The symmetry splitting of molecular wire orientation by a small angle of (6.5 ± 0.5)°; is attributed to interaction of individual helicene-based macrocycle with HOPG. There is a good correlation between experimental AFM data and theoretical simulations using ReaxFF force field and Lennard-Jones (L-J) potential.

In particular the new 1000 times faster computational method based on L-J potential and sequential addition of molecules is able to simulate formation of molecular wires and emergence of their symmetry splitting, which was not possible to do by conventional molecular dynamics. The method is also sensitive to chirality of the studied molecules; enantiomers and racemates placed on HOPG form different arrangements.

This opens new possibilities for simulations of large molecular systems.