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Risk Behavior of Children and Adolescents in and Around Shopping Malls: Testing the Displacement Theory During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Publication at Faculty of Arts |


This poster presents a conceptualization of risky behavior of children and youth in the context of semi-public space of malls for the purpose of developing an expert questionnaire survey of youth workers focused on displacement theory. The conceptualization is based on a previous analysis of interviews with mall security providers conducted in the period 2019-2020, whose main focus was the phenomenology, etiology and regulation of this phenomenon.

Interviews with youth workers were also used to complement this. Based on these qualitative methods, an expert questionnaire survey was developed to track four groups of risk behaviours (minor behaviours, substance use and distribution, vandalism and theft, assault and fighting) in the period before, during and after the Covid-19 pandemic, in the mall environment compared to other (semi-)public places such as visible public spaces (e.g.: playgrounds, parks, squares, etc.). ), hidden places (e.g.: corners, courtyards), shops other than mall and possibly other places mentioned by the respondent.