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An accessory muscle belly or an accessory muscle head? An unusual arrangement of muscles in the anterior compartment of the forearm

Publication at Second Faculty of Medicine |


PURPOSE: Knowledge of the unusual arrangement of the flexor pollicis longus (FPL) muscle is important as the variable tendon may be a rare cause of carpal tunnel syndrome. METHODS: During a routine dissection at the Department of Anatomy, an unusual formation of the FPL muscle was observed in a formalin embalmed Central European cadaver.

RESULTS: This report presents a variation of the FPL muscle, where the muscle split and formed a separate accessory head inserting into the first lumbrical muscle. Moreover, a tendinous interconnection was present between the FPL muscle tendon and the tendon of the aberrant muscle head.

CONCLUSION: The cases described by previous literature, concerning the Linburg-Comstock variation or the accessory head of the first lumbrical muscle originating from the FPL muscle, are closest to the present case. Such variation has a clinical significance ranging from the functional limitation of the thumb and index finger movement to the potential median nerve compression.