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“Pietas Bohemica” as a Counterpart and Complement to Habsburg Family Piety – a Contribution to the Integrative Function of Religious Life

Publication at Faculty of Education |


The study is devoted to the interconnection of religious values in the Catholic environment of the Bohemian Lands in the Baroque period (Pietas Bohemica) with the religious values held by the Habsburgs, who ruled in the early modern period in the Bohemian Lands (Pietas Austriaca). The author summarises the main principles of the Habsburg' piety as a generally recognised historical construction, which was elaborated and published in the second half of the 20th century by Austrian histo-rian Anna Coreth.

And beside them, he stands the principles on which religious life in the Bohemian Lands developed after the defeat of the estate uprising of 1618 - 1 620, when they underwent a forceful re-Catholicisation. In both cases, he highlights strong historical traditions which were typical for both Habsburg and Bohemian Catholic piety.