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(2924) Proposal to conserve the name Ranunculus trichophyllus against R. peucedanifolius (Ranunculaceae)

Publication at Faculty of Science |


Ranunculus peucedanifolius All. was published by Allioni (Fl. Pedem. 2: 53.Apr-Jul 1785) quoting in the protologue two polynomials, reproduced exactly, from two previously published works, the first one "Ranunculus caule fluitante, petiolis unifloris, foliis capillaceis longissimis, laciniis paralellis.

HALL. hist. tom. 2. n. 1161." cited from Haller (Hist. Stirp.

Helv. 2: 68, no. 1161. 1768), the second one "Ranunculo, seu Polyanthemo aquatico, albo affine, Millefolium maratriphyllum fluitans. BAUH. hist.

III. p. 782." from Bauhin & Cherler (Hist. Pl. 3: 782. 1651).