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Turkmenistan's 2022 Leadership Change through the Personalist Paradigm

Publication at Faculty of Social Sciences |


Turkmenistan has basically, successfully passed the leader transition in a dynasty style from the father Gurbanguly Berdimuhamedow to his hereditary groomed son.

The text should shed the light on the background of the personalist regime in Turkmenistan (linkage to the previous article for Demokratizatsiya) and thorough preparation of the son to the career of the next leader. The article should also analyse why the time for sudden change was selected for March 2022 in the context of Kazakhstan January 2022 events and eventually Russian invasion to the Ukraine. The eventual perspectives of the regime after the first half year under the new (the third) leader of Turkmenistan are done.

I argue that the managed dynastic way of leader transformation together with isolated and repressive character of the regime can contribute to its stability using the cadre reserves and work with cadres, ideological apparatus as well as political culture in Turkmenistan.